Drowning is gaining increased attention and recognition as the leading single cause of child mortality after infancy in Bangladesh. International Drowning Research Centre-Bangladesh (IDRC-B) has been established to provide strategic and scientific leadership in drowning prevention research and interventions in Bangladesh. IDRC-B is possibly the only such organisation operating in a low income country to prevent child drowning.
The centre has been in operation by the Centre for Injury Prevention, Health Development and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB) in collaboration with the Royal Life Saving Society Australia (RLSSA) and The Alliance for Safe Children (TASC) since 2009 following a series of research projects conducted by CIPRB, TASC in partnership with UNICEF which identified the scale of drowning in communities in Bangladesh.
A major goal of this project was to develop effective and sustainable drowning interventions suitable for low and middle income countries. The project aimed to use evidence-based scientific methods to investigate, design, and communicate successful, scalable drowning intervention and to develop strategy for capacity building and knowledge transfer across Bangladesh and the region to address drowning.
Notable activities of the IDRC-B