The SeaSafe project is being implemented by the Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB) in collaboration with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation.
Starting from 2012, the aim of the project is to reduce the risk of drowning in the coastal area of Cox’s Bazar.
Drowning is the leading cause of death in Bangladesh, claiming over 19,000 lives each year, of which 14,000 are children. National and international tourists visit Cox’s Bazar beaches, and the communities living in coastal areas are particularly at high risk of drowning.
Lack of trained lifeguards, survival swimming lessons, and water safety knowledge led to the implementation of the SeaSafe project in Cox’s Bazar (Laboni, Shugandha, and Kolatoli beach points, as well as the coastal communities).
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Deputy Executive Director, CIPRB
Dr. Rahman apart from his position as Deputy Executive Director, has also been responsible for directing the International Drowning Research Centre-Bangladesh (IDRC-).
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