Reproductive and Child Health


Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) department of CIPRB is working to achieve the SDG goal through supporting in strengthening the maternal and neonatal health services and reducing the maternal and neonatal deaths in Bangladesh. This intervention is now being implemented within the national health system to strengthen the services for reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality in Bangladesh. RCH has demonstrated the country by introducing LSPC training package with LSTM and later LSPC with UNFPA. The RCH also introduced MPDSR in Bangladesh with the government. RCH demonstrated addressing leaving no one behind population in the teagardens, provide technical assistance in PPH and Eclampsia management guideline, Safe delivery apps, climate change and SRHR, pharmacy training packages, reproductive mortality study in Rohingya refugees and in end obstetric fistula from Sylhet division. The RCH has implemented the training package “Lifesaving skills in EOC and Newborn care (LSS-EOC&NC) with LSTM, UK and subsequently developed another package of training called “Lifesaving skills in pregnancy and Childbirth (LSPC) with the technical support of UNFPA, OGSB and GoB. 

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